Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feet Care For Diabetic

by Jack Stanley

Care for the feet is often overlooked by most people outside the cup toes from time to time. Out of sight is out of mind with regard to most people and their feet. This attitude is often performed by people who are diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes. However, it is extremely important that they take care of their feet. This section will examine the diabetic foot care, why it is important and guidelines for successful treatment and care.

There are many complications diabetes. They are not directly caused by the disease, but are indirect diseases and diseases that can range from annoying to life-threatening. Diabetes affects the blood and because the blood circulates through the body other problems arise.

Regarding the foot, there are two problems that may occur. The first is that the nervous system are affected. This is called peripheral neuropathy and the results more and damaged sinews. While your body can be affected by neuropathy, but the feet and legs are generally the most serious symptoms (which peripheral or external or end). This nerve damage can cause a feeling of losing feet. You lose sensitivity to detect hot and cold or feel normal aches and pains. It is partly why diabetics must check their feet regularly, because the body can not warn about problems using pain. It also means that the problems that go undetected are likely to be untreated and become infected. Potential small cuts could have aggravated, to grow or even gangrenous.

Another complication diabetes, which affects the feet is poor circulation. The inner walls of blood vessels are often marked by high blood sugar. This attracts plate and makes blood vessels more thick. This means that the blood circulation is more difficult. The consistency of high blood sugar is also believed to be thicker causing traffic problems. Blood carries antibodies and nutrients to the body, including feet. If this practice is problematic, the ends are often the most severely affected. This means that areas of the body as the feet take longer to heal.

Thus ongoing treatment and care must focus on two aspects. The first is to inspect your feet daily for any cuts. Keep things like nails and skin lasts (calluses) well-trimmed. This should be done by your health care provider. Always wash your feet well and dry them carefully, so that moisture is not conducive to the growth of bacteria.

Preventing any bruises or cuts occur in the first is often the best way to treat diabetic foot problems. Wear socks and shoes that are not vos pieds aggravating. There are shoes and socks that are designed for diabetes.

Help to circulate the blood in the feet. Things like using a simple step to maintain high will be useful. Avoid sitting in positions that May cut blood supply to the feet, legs crossed, for example. Do foot exercise every thirty minutes. Wiggle your toes, move your feet in a circular motion. Get up from your seat and walk around a bit.

The diabetic foot care is not so difficult. Check your feet daily, wear articles will not aggravate your feet and do exercises which promote blood flow.

About the Author
Want to find out about gestational diabetes symptoms and diabetes facts? Get tips from Diagnosing Diabetes.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Food Pyramid For Diabetic Diet

by Laxmi Keshav

We all have learnt in school days about. You must not only vary the composition to make a diet balanced and healthy, but also understand the serving recommended by food pyramid. As adults, people rarely pay as much heed to it if any at all. It is in the interest of all diabetics to thoroughly learn about food groups.

There is a food pyramid that is available specifically for diabetics known as the Diabetes Food Pyramid. It is made up of six food groups just like the standard version. The way the two pyramids differ is that the diabetic version lists foods together that have the same or similar carbohydrate content instead of the regular version that does it by food groups alone. This lay out makes it easier for diabetics to make food choices based on information that can have a negative impact on blood glucose levels.

A large number of Vegetarians eat a larger amount of fruits and vegetables in a day than a non-vegetarian and getting larger fibre intake. An increased quantity of fiber in a diabetic's diet can help blood sugars because it slows down the process of the body digesting carbohydrates. A vegetarian's diet is usually lower in cholesterol as well and it can help ward off cardiovascular disease including heart attacks and strokes.

Some of the differences you will notice are that cheese is placed in the meat group instead of the dairy group as a protein and the serving size will be equivalent to other proteins in the same group. Vegetables like potatoes and corn have an effect on blood sugar levels which is similar to bread and grains. So they are grouped together.

Another difference is the actual serving sizes, especially in the bread and grains group. A diabetic must control the carbohydrate intake at each meal and it has been found that smaller portion sizes are a good way to manage this.

You can get a copy of the Diabetic Food Pyramid from your dietician, doctor, or diabetes educator. It is a good reference material to have on hand when you are planning your meals.

About the Author
Learn more here - low carb food pyramid - sample diabetic menus.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Learning About Diabetes

by Aries King

Diabetes is a growing predicament in this country, a very big predicament! With the American population at an all time high in weight gain and a low in health care, the problem is only growing. It is out of control!

Diabetes is a disease of the metabolism. Our metabolism is the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth.

Most food that is processed through our bodies is broken down by digestive juices into a sugar called glucose. Glucose is the fuel our bodies run on. That is why when one is weak, your doctor may prescribe you juice filled with glucose. It provides instant energy

When we eat, and our food is processed, the pancreas is expected to produce the right amount of glucose from our blood automatically and release the right amount of insulin into our blood.

In people with diabetes however, this is not the case. Little to no insulin is produced. Or alternatively, the body's cells don't respond correctly to the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. Therefore the glucose builds up and overflows into the urine and passes out of the body. Glucose is sweet and that is why the urine of a diabetic attracts ants. That was once the earliest means of detecting the disease.

The loss of glucose through the urine is how the body loses its main source of fuel even though the bloodstream contains good amounts of the natural glucose. That is why serious sufferers of diabetes have a tendency to fill weak. Their glucose levels are low.

There are available three types of diabetes, type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes but we will only focus on the first two in this article. People who have type 1 are known as insulin-dependent.

This is an autoimmune disease where the body's natural system is fighting against another part of the body. In the case of type 1 diabetes, the body system attacks the insulin producing cells and destroys them. It is common in children and it is also called juvenile diabetes

Therefore the pancreas produces little to no insulin. These people are in need of daily injections of insulin to live. Five to ten percent of diabetes cases are type 1 in the US.

More than 80% of the other cases of diabetes are called type 2 diabetes. This is fuelled by poor eating habits and lack of exercise. That is why it is recommended that to end this type of diabetes, all is simply required is eating proper food and a healthy exercise routine.

It is mostly adults that suffer from this type of diabetes but it is increasingly now occurring in children, most likely due to the obesity plague affecting American children.

Diabetes is spreading rapidly with surges in not only the rich world but the third world as well.

Mexico for example is reported to have over 6million sufferers, which is over 5% of its population. This is astounding considering its GDP per head is barely a fifth of that of the U.S. Tacos, a tasty Mexican delight may be sweet and lovely, but can also be unhealthy if taken in excess..

We strongly advise sufferers of type 2 diabetes today to eat not only the right food but exercise vigorously as well. Thank you

About the Author
Aries King is an online writer on diabetes and other health issues affecting us today. You can learn more about diabetes and possible cures at his blog now at

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Diabetes Management Lowers The Hazards Of Complications

by Korbin Newlyn

There are serious complications that can result from having diabetes and these include; blindness, kidney disease and heart attack. Diabetes management is very critical to make certain that these types of complications do not happen. When individuals have had a diagnosis of diabetes, they typically have high levels of anxiety due to what they have heard some of the extreme stories of individuals with diabetes complications.

Fortunately, diabetes management can result in a major difference in the life of a person who has diabetes. People can live good lives through careful planning, healthy eating, added exercise and the right medication. Diabetes management is the ultimate factor to a good life despite a serious illness such as this.

The first step in diabetes management is a consultation with a qualified doctor in regards to the basics of diabetes. Your doctor will likely make a recommendation of drug therapy for maintenance of the disease. The use of insulin has been utilized for numerous years in order to control the harmful effects of diabetes that might lead to complications.

You will find that there are other drug therapies that may be a satisfactory replacement for insulin therapy. Once the right medications are prescribed, the individual should look into other tactics for diabetes management. The persons primary care doctor might give advice on the additional diabetes management regimen while other medical professionals may be conferred with as well. People in the nutrition field typically have excellent advice for people afflicted with diabetes.

Diabetes Management Incorporates, Exercise, Healthy Diet And Medications.

Medications that are given by a doctor are very critical to the treatment and management of diabetes, yet the treatment should go farther than just the medications. There are numerous steps that a diabetic can take to improve their life despite this serious condition.

People who have diabetes should never smoke since this habit is counterproductive to their overall health which is taxed by diabetes. Getting into some healthy habits is also a good idea for peoples management of diabetes. A big difference in health can happen to a diabetic through healthy eating habits. They should consume regular meals as well as healthy snacks. Their diets should incorporate ample amounts of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Exercise is a very important component in diabetes management. Physicians as well as other professionals in the medical field should stress this point in all their appointments and consultations with people who have diabetes. Diabetics can select the kind of exercise that is best suited for their own personal circumstances.

The exercise that they do end up choosing should be done on a regular basis and in a vigorous manner. Diabetics should attempt to attempt to exercise at a minimum of three days a week for at least thirty minutes each time. These guidelines are an absolute minimum. The ideal exercise scenario is for the diabetic to exercise everyday if possible. Biking, swimming or jogging are excellent exercises for diabetics, however there are other exercises that are beneficial as well.

Diabetes has the potential to bring serious complications, yet diabetes management is certainly possible for the most ideal results. Diabetes management when followed in a religious fashion should assist each person with diabetes to avoid the very critical complications that happen from the wrong care of this type of condition.

About the Author
Listen to Korbin Newlyn as he shares his insights as an expert author and an avid writer in the field of health. If you would like to learn more go to Juvenile Diabetes advice and at Diabetes Control tips.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Brief Look At Diabetes

by Jack Stanley

You will need to adopt a special diet diabetes once you are diagnosed with this condition. Basically, this is just a change you have to do to improve your health.

A diabetes diet is based on the food pyramid designed for diabetics. The food pyramid is a great basis for you to use to start learning how to eat properly to keep your blood sugar levels in the right range. A diabetic must monitor their intake of carbohydrates, too, because to turn to these sugars in the body. Eating the same types of foods at the same time every day can keep your blood sugar more stable.

If you have diabetes, you need to know about the benefits of adding soluble fiber to your diet. These can be found in many vegetables and fruits. The reason why they work as well for diabetics is that they slow the absorption of glucose in the intestine. The decrease of absorption can help keep your blood sugar to be too high, which may provoke a reaction hyperglycemic.

The bean is a wonderful source of soluble fibre. In fact, this bean is the highest level of soluble fibre in a food when cooked, making it ideal for a diabetic. Insoluble fiber can also greatly help diabetics keep their blood glucose levels monitored. Insoluble fiber, such as sounds and whole grains can help keep your intestinal tract, thereby avoiding glucose remain in your intestines to be absorbed later, which can cause your blood glucose levels to be uncontrollable .

Several advice regarding your diet is recommended by the American Dietetic Association to help you maintain a healthy level of glucose. Starches are a food group that is highly recommended. Six servings of cereals, bread, and starchy vegetables are recommended daily. Black beans, corn and garbanzo beans are a starch that can be implemented in your diet. It is recommended that you put in place five days a plan of the ADA. The plan consists of eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day and, of course, you should eat sugar sparingly.

It is important that you consult a dietitian when you receive a diagnosis of diabetes so that you can find out exactly what your body needs to function properly and maintain your blood sugar stable. The dietician can also help you determine what effect your weight, activity level and other factors on your blood glucose levels. It is important to determine so that you can keep your blood sugar control and prevent other diabetes-related complications. To find a dietitian in your area, you can call the American Diabetes Association of Educators at 1-800-342-2382. They will be able to help you find someone who can help you learn more about how to eat when you have a condition like diabetes.

May you find it difficult to adapt to a diet diabetes. However, the sooner you make the changes, the better it is for your health.

About the Author
Want to find out about gestational diabetes symptoms and diabetes facts? Get tips from Diagnosing Diabetes.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Look At Hair Loss And Diabetes

by Jack Stanley

Some people with diabetes experience hair loss. Because the same condition have been observed in several patients with diabetes, it is not surprising to question whether diabetes is linked with hair loss. Indeed, studies and researches have shown that it has. A look at the reason facts about diabetes and hair loss to help us understand how these two are connected.

Hair Basics

Before we look at diabetes and hair loss link, it is important to first understand both diabetes and loss of hair. Head hair May seem to have no use other than as a technical aspect Enhancer. Nevertheless, it is still very much a part of the human body. Your hair will be likely to benefit or suffer from what you put into your body and everything that happens in your body in general.

A hair grows from a root and the hair follicle located under the scalp. Hair is nourished by the blood that carries nutrients nourish the hair on the scalp and follicles. When your body does not have sufficient nutrients or when there is poor blood circulation in the body, hair and its growth is also affected.

Hair Loss base

It is also possible that there is really no direct link between diabetes and hair loss in some cases. There are several reasons why people lose their hair and it is essential to be able to achieve its case throughout the process of eliminating other possible causes of the disease.

Another factor hair loss is by heredity and genetics. It is estimated that 95% of people suffering from hair loss have androgenetic alopecia, a condition of hair loss caused by hormonal activity in the body and by the individual genetics. Given that both androgenic alopecia and diabetes are hereditary, May it be more difficult to identify who is causing your hair loss. A look at the baldness of parents who are also diabetic May point the direction that the diabetes that is the cause hair loss and not the condition androgenic alopecia.

Diabetes and hair loss

The relationship between diabetes and hair loss can be determined by taking more careful consideration to the nature of diabetes and how it affects the body. Diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce insulin or respond adequately to it. When that happens, glucose can not always between the body's cells to provide energy that the body needs. Since glucose was rejected by the body's cells and, therefore, has no place else to do, it will begin collecting in the blood. If you have a high blood sugar, fat deposits May also begin to set on the walls of blood vessels, hence, the obstruction of blood passages resulting from poor blood circulation and poor blood circulation.

As indicated above, the hair of the key for growth and nutrition found in the blood. Having bad blood may mean the poor health of hair. In addition, poor blood circulation can also cause irritation of the skin and infections in diabetics. And since the scalp is still part of our skin, it is also suffering from poor blood circulation, resulting from hair loss.

Conditions Diet

People with diabetes both hair loss and May have time to deal with severe hair loss. Usual cases of hair loss are treated with nutritional supplements and proper diet. Those who have diabetes and hair loss, however, have to take into consideration the serious situation of diabetes. Eating an amount of unregulated even the most nutritious foods in May drastic result glucose spikes. Consult your doctor before dealing with your hair loss.

About the Author
Visit Diagnosing Diabetes to learn about diabetes types and signs of diabetes.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Children And Diabetes

by Jack Stanley

Diabetes is widely considered a chronic illness during childhood. They attack the children at any age, including preschool children and even toddlers. Al if so, diabetes among children is often diagnosed late, when the child is diabetic ketoacidosis (ACD), or it is totally wrong.

In many parts of the world, insulin, the main life-saving medicines that children with diabetes need to survive, is not available (or is available but unused for reasons of economy, Geography or restrictions on supply). Consequently, many children are dying of diabetes, particularly in countries with low and medium income. The closest to the child as the family, school staff, family physician, May no knowledge of the first indications.

The World Diabetes Day 2007 and 2008 campaigns wanted this challenge and deeply the message that "no child should die of diabetes." Today, beyond 240 million people worldwide are suffering from diabetes. Inside the next 20 years, this number is expected to advance to 380 million dollars. The children are not safe from this global epidemic, with its untenable and potentially fatal complications.

Type 1 diabetes is increasing by 3% per year among children and adolescents, and a fear of 5% per year among children of preschool age. An estimated 70000 children under 15 years is struck by type 1 diabetes each year (nearly 200 children per day). Of the approximately 440000 cases of Type 1 diabetes among children worldwide, more than a quarter live in Southeast Asia, and more than a fifth in Europe.

Type 2 diabetes was once seen as a disease of adults. Today, this type of diabetes is shocking to move rates among children and adolescents. In the USA, it is estimated that type 2 diabetes covers between 8 and 45% of new cases of diabetes in children by geographic region.

Over a period of 20 years, type 2 diabetes has doubled among children in Japan and accordingly, it is more common than type 1. In the indigenous and children in North America and Australia, the incidence rate of type 2 diabetes ranges from 1.3 to 5.3%.

Diabetes has an effect on children and their families. The daily life of children is thwarted by the need to control blood sugar, be subjected to drugs, and balance the impact of the activity and food. Diabetes can disrupt the normal development needs of childhood and adolescence, which include succeed in school and mature into adulthood.

To help children and families cope, and make sure that the best possible physical and emotional health of the child is there, care should be provided by a multidisciplinary team with a good awareness on issues Pediatrics. Back-up must also be given to care and school staff.

In this way, children with type 1 or type 2 diabetes can enter adulthood with the least possible negative effect on their well-being. For children with diabetes in developing countries the condition at present is bad.

The 2007 campaign aims to raise awareness of the high prevalence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes among children and adolescents. Early diagnosis and education are of paramount importance in reducing complications and save lives.

The health care community, educators, parents and guardians must combine effectively to help children living with diabetes, preventing the state of people at risk, and remove the unnecessary death and disability.

About the Author
Information on signs of diabetes can be found at Diagnosing Diabetes.